Making your life as a small business owner a little easier, aligned with your goals, and making space for what’s most important.

  • Website Design

    I design, project manage, and create websites for entrepreneurs, small businesses, and non-profits. I work with individuals and organizations that have a good sense of their audience, mission and offerings, to design a functional and beautiful online presence.

  • Coaching & Consulting

    I assist business owners and organizations who a) have been up and running for at least a year, and b) are guided by a working business plan, with brainstorming techniques and systems for streamlining and optimizing their communication, management, financials, and short and long term goals.


Colima Consulting brings business consulting, coaching, education and thoughtful website design to the small biz owners, non-profits, and organizations of Tucson, Arizona and beyond!

Why? I find system-building and creating beautiful and functional spaces in the physical and digital landscape to be an investment in our community. The rewards of which can be reaped by all who interact with them - business-owners, clients, staff, and stakeholders.

How? For businesses and organizations , I offer 1-on-1 consulting, support & education as well as website design using the Squarespace platform. My belief is that when we have simple structures, systems and ways of communicating our purpose in place, we have more time, energy and creativity to devote to the important things - community, team, family and self. It’s a constant practice but I try and focus on progress not perfection.

Tell me More… Well okay! Take a peek at my Consulting & Coaching Services and Website Design, drop me a line or book a free 15 minute consultation.